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live stock

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Đã bán
Tình trạng: Đã bán
Giá: 60.000
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Thông tin: Đã gửi 29/12/16, 143 Xem, 0 Trả lời
  1. peacefulmoonlight

    peacefulmoonlight Thành viên

    #1 peacefulmoonlight, 29/12/16

    Thông tin sản phẩm

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    Đã bán
    live stock The term ’livestock’ is nebulous and may be defined narrowly or broadly. Broadly, livestock refers to any breed or population of animal kept by humans for a useful, commercial purpose. This can mean domestic animals, semidomestic animals, or captive wild animals. Semidomesticated refers to animals which are only lightly domesticated or of disputed status. These populations may also be in the process of domestication. Some people may use the term livestock to refer to only animals used for red meat Animal husbandry practices have varied widely across cultures and time periods. Originally, livestock were not confined by fences or enclosures, but these practices have largely shifted to intensive animal farming, sometimes referred to as ’factory farming’. These practices increase yield of the various commercial outputs, but have led to increased concerns about animal welfare and environmental impact. Livestock production continues to play a major economic and cultural role in numerous rural communities. ibadan, Nigeria


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