Bán ipad mini 2-4g-16gb màu Grey,máy đẹp 98-99%,ipad thì khỏi phải nói về độ trâu bò,có bao giờ hỏng đâu,máy nguyên bản chưa sửa chữa nhé......Pk theo máy có máy,sạc,cáp,bao da xịn mua mấy trăm rồi........Em bán : 4,65tr...Giá quá tốt rồi nhé...Call : 0915.56.65.56...
iPad mini 2 Wi-Fi, Cellular
Serial Number: 358774058248616
Valid Purchase Date
A validated purchase date lets Apple quickly find your product and provide the help you need.
Telephone Technical Support: Expired
You are eligible to purchase telephone technical support from an Apple Advisor.
Repairs and Service Coverage: Expired
Our records indicate that your product is not covered under Apple's Limited warranty or AppleCare Protection Plan for hardware repairs and service based on the estimated expiration date.
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