1. lolem1358

    lolem1358 Mới đăng ký

    #1 lolem1358, 13/9/17

    Thông tin sản phẩm

    Iphone 7 Gold 32G hàng C.ty còn Bảo hành hãng đến 23/10/2017 hình thức máy đẹp 98% máy móc nguyên bản tất cả các chức năng máy dùng tôt không một lỗi nhỏ. máy kèm theo sạc cáp.
    giá bán: 12tr600
    call 0988872168 bán tại nhà và bao test 1 tuần.

    iPhone 7

    Serial Number: 359161071770694

    Valid Purchase Date
    A validated purchase date lets Apple quickly find your product and provide the help you need.

    Telephone Technical Support: Expired
    Our records indicate that the complimentary telephone technical support for your product has expired.


    Repairs and Service Coverage: Active
    Your product is covered for eligible hardware repairs and service under Apple’s Limited Warranty.
    Estimated Expiration Date: November 13, 2017
    You may have consumer law rights - in the EEA and Switzerland, national consumer laws entitle consumers to obtain from the seller, free of charge, repair or replacement of products that have a lack of conformity for a minimum of 2 years from delivery, and longer under the local law of some countries. http://www.apple.com/legal/warranty/statutoryrights.html

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